26 February, 2008

Thought for today

Life is no more than a dewdrop balancing on the end of a blade of grass

All about coconut

The English name coconut, first mentioned in English print in 1555, comes from Spanish and Portugese word coco, which means "monkey face." Spanish and Portugese explorers found a resemblance to a monkey's face in the three round indented markings or "eyes" found at the base of the coconut. On the Nicobar Islands of the Indian Ocean, whole coconuts were used as currency for the purchace of goods until the early part of the twentieth century.

Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm, botanically known as cocos nucifera, with nucifera meaning "nut-bearing." The fruit-bearing palms are native to Malaysia, Polynesia and southern Asia, and are now also prolific in South America, India , the Pacific Islands , Hawaii and Florida. The light, fibrous husk allowed it to easily drift on the oceans to other areas to propagate. In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as kalpa vriksha, meaning "tree which gives all that is necessary for living," since nearly all parts of the tree can be used in some m anner or another. The coconut itself has many food uses, including milk, meat, sugar and oil as well as functioning as its own dish and cup. The husk was also burned for fuel by natives, but today a seed fibre called coir is taken from the husk and used to make brushes, mats, fishnets, and rope. A very potent fermented toddy or drink is also made from the coconut palm's sap. Coconut oil, a saturated fat made from dried coconut meat, is used for commercial frying and in candies and margarines, as well as in non-edible products such as soaps and cosmetics. Most coconut water is still consumed fresh in tropical coastal areas - once exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses most of its characteristics, and begins to ferment.

Coconut Water is better than whole milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol.
Coconut Water is better than Orange Juice - Much lower calories.
Coconut Water is better than processed baby milk - It contains lauric acid, which is present in human mother's milk.
Coconut water is naturally sterile - Water permeates though the filtering husk.

Coconut water is a universal donor - Its identical to human blood plasma.
Coconut Water is a Natural Isotonic Beverage - The same Ph level we have in our blood.


Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.
Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg.
Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars.
Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg.

(Data is based on a 100ml drink)

The information has been solicited from the internet and info given by a friend

20 February, 2008

Giving 'Thanks'

The spiritual texts always explain that it is very imperative for the practitioner or seeker to let go of "EGO". Though it is easier said then done, one simple way to practice that is by meditating on 'gratitude'.

Sit in a quiet place in your house or room, in comfortable posture (cross legged or any other), close your eyes, place your palms on your thighs and draw your attention inwards. After a minute when you are focused, start expressing gratitude towards each and every person that has touched your life in any way.

Thank the people who build roads, bridges, telephone systems, communications, media which you always take for granted.
Thank the shopkeepers, bus conductors, staff at the multiplex, restaurant where you normally frequent.
Thank the workers who built your house, car mechanic, plumber, electrician, driver, sweeper, servant, garbage collector, security, gatekeeper, office peon, maid, cook, gardener, milkman, newspaperman, postman, laundryman and all the other people who render their services to you even though for money.
Thank your friends, relatives for being there when you needed.
Thank your children, father, brothers / sisters, spouse and your MOTHER.
Lastly thank the higher power, God destiny whatever you may call for giving you this life.

Do this exercise for about 5-10 minutes everyday when you get up in the morning or go to bed. You may also feel tears rolling down your cheeks but that is just your ego melting away making you grounded, humble and compassionate. After all there is no such thing as independence. It's only INTERDEPENDENCE which helps us live.

ps: the pic is from Bihar School of Yoga

16 February, 2008

Thought for today

A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.

Gyan Mudra

We have seen many a great thinkers sitting in this mudra with the thumb joined to the index finger and the palms resting on thighs. It is one of the most commonly used mudras i have some across. Many practitioners, practice pranayama and meditation sitting in gyan mudra.

I have experienced that it promotes concentration and a higher sense of focus. It just keeps your senses more stimulated and alert so as to absorb the maximum. So practically speaking if you were to sit for a lecture, or in a meeting or conference; practicing this mudra would surely help. On a more serious note the circulation of subtle energy between the fire element (represented by the thumb) and air element (index finger) stimulates our higher faculties of thinking, logic, co-ordination, analyzing, intuition, concentration and mental balance.

13 February, 2008

Thought for today

Every major tradition has made a unique contribution towards human evolution. It is not wise to see one tradition better than another. The wisdom in all the religions of the world belongs to everyone. They all advocate the basic human values of truth, peace and service. - Art of Living

Working both sides of your brain

One way of classifying the human brain is by dividing it into two parts – right & left. The right side controls the left side of the body and vice versa. So for keeping both sides active and running; to prevent brain degeneration, it is wise to use both the sides optimally. One way of doing it is carrying out the daily functions which you normally do with the right hand, by using the left. Egs of using the opposite side could be many:-

For cooking and stirring
Carrying grocery bags

Writing (it’s more difficult)
Dialing or answering phone
Operating the computer mouse

Holding the remote
Brushing, bathing

Applying make-up or creams
While eating or handling the spoon

There are so many mundane activities which we do throughout the day which can be done using the hand that we normally don’t use. Try even a few and observe how your brain gets activated and focused. At first it'll seem awkward but slowly you'll be adept at using both the hands for the same thing.


I am learning belly dancing and should be finishing the first level in a couple of days. It’s been a very thrilling, invigorating and explorative experience. Contrary to the popular belief (at least in India) that belly dancing is only a seductive and an obscene form of dance, I must admit that it’s totally wrong. In fact it is a classical dance (certainly not what Mallika Sherawat did in ‘Maiya Maiya’) which is aesthetically very beautiful. It almost brings you in a meditative state of mind which most dances do. No other art form except dance and yoga allows you to explore your body thus. Belly dancing in particular involves a lot of co-ordination of the mind and body, many isolated movements and an amazing control over even the smallest muscles of your body which we didn’t know existed:-)

I also feel that it’s imperative for anyone to keep learning throughout ones’ life and something which is away from one’s profession. The reasons being many – it’s a lot of fun, it makes life more interesting, it keeps us active mentally & physically, challenges us in different ways we might not have thought, opens newer avenues, enhances performance in various fields, helps us meet different people, opens our mindsets, and gives satisfaction. Moreover, it’s the time we spend with our own selves which is most valuable. It is also one of the things which we don’t learn to earn. So there are no vested interests. I term it as recreation – an activity done involving most of our senses, for the sheer joy it brings. I believe that there has to be some time every day or every other day designated for such activity. And no, watching TV, talking on phone, listening to music do not fall under this category as they are passive. Cooking, gardening, sports, dance, painting, music, singing…….would definitely qualify. It is also one of the for pillars of a yogic lifestyle. (Vihar - Achar, Vichara, Ahara being the other three)

09 February, 2008

How to have fruits?

The science of food combining is called trophology. Even fruits need to be had in a proper manner so as to derive maximum benefit from them. The reason being, different foods require different enzymes to be secreted for digestion. Now when two incompatible foods are ingested, the enzymes cannot do their work well and results in fermentation, putrification, burps and belches. As far as fruits are concerned, let me first divide them into categories:

1) Acid fruits - citrus, pineapples, strawberries, pomegranates, sour apples, sour grapes, sour peaches, sour cherries, sour plums

2) Sub-acid fruits - sweet apples, sweet peaches, sweet cherries, sub-acid grapes, pears, papayas, mangoes, apricots, sweet plums, fresh figs, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries

3)Sweet fruits - Bananas, custard apple, all sweet grapes, all dried fruit, chikoos

4) Melons - watermelon, musk melon

The commandments for correct fruit eating (it applies to fruit juices as well)

Eat sub-acid fruits with either acid or sweet fruits

Do not combine acid fruits & sweet fruits

Melons should be eaten alone

Also fruits donot combine well with any other food type and should be eaten alone.

Wait for 20-30 minutes after you have had one group of fruits to shift to another.

Have a fruity day :-)

Thought for today

Always focus on the front windshield and not the rearview mirror. - Colin Powell

Health Tip

Have you noticed animals licking their wounds, and wondered? It's because saliva is potent. Even human saliva applied on pimples, acne, zits, bruises helps in their healing and removal. The early morning saliva is the best as it is unadulterated. It may sound gross to some but it's a fact and a useful one at that.

06 February, 2008

Gung-ho about eggs

People who consume dairy products and eggs are called lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Just clearing some issues.......
I have had some people expressing their relief at knowing that by eating eggs they are not killing anything. But I had also mentioned that the source of those eggs has to be examined. Most of the eggs in India are gathered from hens in conditions i had elaborated in previous articles. And if that is the case then it's even worse.
Also, it has been pointed that even by eating plants we are killing living beings. To this i would like to respond by saying that in Jainism, all living beings are classified as those with different no of senses. You can refer to this google book from page 150 onwards. We have 5 senses like animals while the plants have 2. So the pain inflicted when we eat them is much lesser or nil when we consume plants. Of course everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but all personal decisions should be made with awareness and reasoning.
One more question that can be raised here is of whose eggs? I mean all over the world people eat a variety of eggs ranging from those of hens (most widespread), ostrichs etc. Again i dont have any idea as to how the other eggs are obtained. If anyone knows and can send me the information, i'll be happy to publish it here.
Till then this issue is adjourned :-)

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

or Upward facing two-foot staff pose

I go into this pose after going into chakrasana. The pose can be done in various stages. The first one is when you keep your legs bent, then straighten one leg at a time. You can also take a twist by taking both legs to the side, or taking one leg up in the air. It is an intermediate pose with some advanced variations.

The compression you feel in the back is worth the expansion of your abdomen and chest areas. It also has a few effects of sirshasana.

For a perfect execution of this pose, look up in Yoga Journal.

04 February, 2008

Samanvay Mudra

Join all the finger tips and thumb of the palm together to form a hollow space in the palm. Do it with both palms and rest them on your thighs. It is also called Shukari mudra (hand gesture) in Dr R P Upadhyaya's book on mudras. It balances all the five elements of earth, water, air, fire and space in our bodies & hence is a powerful mudra. Develops strength, coordination and balance.
Recently i was watching a movie in a multiplex and the air-conditioner was really strong. I was feeling very cold and i applied this mudra for a few minutes. It generated warmth in my body and made me feel comfortable.
A note of caution: Mudras appear to be harmless but can be quite powerful and so should be done for a longer time only under guidance. Otherwise just stick to 5-8 minutes of practicing it.