28 September, 2009

The Daily Motivator - Owning failure

The Daily Motivator - Owning failure

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i think it holds so true for me. somehow i find it very difficult to own up to my failures. i put my heart and soul in my work and with that comes the expectation of good results. so sometimes it is difficult to change direction and see things like a witness and mark the mistakes. it just suggests that i disown my shortcomings thus limiting the scope for any improvement. but again awareness is the first step to change and gives a lot of food for thought. won't you agree???

22 September, 2009

To all moms & moms-to-be

i got a greeting card from a neighbor who'd written a beautiful poem which conveys a lot about how we raise our children and it's all the more relevant in today's time where materialism has taken precedence over everything else, sometimes even more than a parent-child relationship. You may say that this is a competitive world and we have to give the best to our children and the likes of such statements but "have you asked them what they want?"

i am glad i got this card early so i can keep going back to it whenever i feel i an drifting......

the poem goes like this............

If I had my child to raise all over again.

I'd build self esteem first and the house later.

i'd finger-point more and point the finger less.

i would do less correcting and more connecting.

i'd take my eyes off my watch and watch with my eyes.

i'd take more hikes and fly more kites.

i'd stop playing serious and seriously play.

i would run thru more fields and gaze at more stars.

i'd do more hugging and less tugging.

- Diane Loomans

Even yoga says that the first duty is towards yourself, then family and then work.

well it's time to start applying, right???

10 June, 2009

Yoga Dance

From this month i am adding a new feature to my centre - YOGA DANCE, as a part of my regular classes. i love dance an have trained formally in Kathak. Besides that i love dancing and it is from that, that this idea was conceptualized.

It's a heady concoction of yoga and movements from other dance forms, choreographed to music.

It’s fun when we get a chance to explore yoga postures in a dance form. Of course, both yoga & dance are amongst the few ancient systems of India and so deep down they share similar philosophies.

Here, more than anything else, the aim is to challenge movement, coordination, memory, flexibility, creativity and a chance to explore our own bodies. So put on your dancing shoes and let go to the rhythm!!!

07 May, 2009

Just Sharing ...

I feel really inspired and encouraged as to having been given coverage by our leading newspaper daily the Times of India. the article - yoga with the ball appeared yesterday.

Special thanks to Aruna (TOI reporter) who felt a story on Yoga Rhythms was worth doing.

Let me not miss a chance to thank all those who have been instrumental in giving shape to the centre. First and foremost my parents who saw to it that every brick was laid perfectly, that things co-ordinated well, my baby is comfortable and rest of the admin in place. They are as much a part of this as I am. My friend Anjali who designed my logo and card, Neha who did the paintings and is still doing one more, architect atul uncle who's a family friend, our interior designer Malav Padia and his team, my baby (6 month old) who's been very co-operative, my hubby who's always encouraging, my dearest friend pramila who's like my partner tho in bombay, my supportive in-laws, all the staff and the rest of the people who make lives easy for you. Last but not the least i would thank my students who put faith in me.

It gives me real pleasure to plan, design and execute each session that i take as all the rest of the things are taken care of by my strong back bone. Without that i'll be completely lame.

So instead of calling it my centre, i would rather call it YOGA RHYTHMS - our yoga centre.

15 April, 2009

Yoga on the ball

Challenging for all levels, invigorating, core strengthening, balancing body and mind, stabilizing and playful is how I would describe my yoga on the ball routine. You will feel the soreness only later. :-) An unstable surface as that of a stability ball stimulates those areas of the brain which we normally don’t use. It creates a lot of awareness and demands focus. All these add on to a very effective modern day yoga workout.

28 March, 2009

Why Yoga Rhythms?

There are various reasons I decided to call my venture YOGA RHYTHMS. Rhythm as in the rhythm of life, rhythm of nature, rhythm of our bodies, music, bio-rhythms. There is a rhythm in this world, this universe. Even our heart beats with a rhythm. I wanted "yoga" and "rhythms" to culminate into one and let everyone experience the bliss.

26 March, 2009

A dream, shaping up

Dear friends,

This is to inform you all that I will be starting my yoga centre (YOGA RHYTHMS) from 1st April ’09. Two batches would be held everyday (Mon – Fri), from 12 to 1 pm and 5:30 to 6:30 pm.

My style of yoga
It is purely experiential. Having undergone rigorous training, exploring numerous varieties coupled with religious and regular practices, I have developed my own style which is fun, playful, dynamic and challenging without letting go of the roots of classical yoga.

Come and experience the joy of yoga, my way.

02 February, 2009

Stress and the baby

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i have been quite stressed since a few days due to various reasons (not required to be discussed) and one thing i observed was how sensitive my 3-month old was to my unseen tension. He's not been eating well and his elimination is also affected. There is no other problem let me assure you that as everything else remains at status quo vis-a-vis my lifestyle. Even while i was pregnant with my baby, i had observed that i might get stressed, have a tiff or express anger. But i'll be normal after sometime but it used to take much longer for my baby to quieten inside me. i could feel that from increased movements in my abdomen.

my experience and reading (however little it may be) says that babies are very intelligent and sensitive. They somehow can sense that SOMETHING is WRONG. We just cant fool them and we also don't want them to get affected by our negative emotions. So what is the way out? Simple..... don't get stressed you might say..... but HOW??

i cant say that i have mastered the art of managing my emotions, to be truthful, i am nowhere near mastering it, but there are a few techniques which i feel have and will help.

1) om chanting or chanting any mantra
2) regaling in the joy of ones baby without worrying about the world
3) expressing gratitude
4) having meagre expectations from yourself at least till the baby is completely dependent on you

i believe in the practice-what-you-preach philosophy, so i try whenever i can, and it does help :-)
no point in adulterating the baby's purity. they're are so adorable, unlike us adults.....

13 January, 2009

Music for the mother & the baby

I have a lot of faith in the power of music and sanskrit shlokas. Therefore, that played a very important part in my pregnancy & is doing so in my motherhood.
The Saptak Music Festival (a very prestigious music festival that happens in Ahmedabad every year) is going on and this post derives itself from there. It features all the maestros of Indian classical music along with students aspiring to be ones.

I used to listen to the cd "Garbha Sanskar" by Times Music during pregnancy. Now I make my baby hear "Well being mantras for the newborn" by Times Music again. Apart from that i used to and still keep playing the sacred chants of India, Indian classical instrumental music whenever i get a chance. My collection includes works of Pandit Shivkumar Sharma (santoor), Rahul Sharma (santoor), Pt Hariprasad Chaurasia (flute), Ustad Zakir Hussain (tabla), Ustad Amjad Ali Khan (sarod), Niladri Kumar (sitar), Pt Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and various others.

i am feeling a little lazy researching about music and sanskrit sholakas partly because i am trying hard to time manage my day, restoring normalcy and partly because i truly have faith in them to make effort for reading out the reasons. There are different kinds of music or ragas for creating different effects but honestly i listen to what i like without going into the finer details. Even shlokas of the ancient sanskrit language stimulate the various chakras (plexuses) in the body. Our ancient arts (eg music) and languages (eg sanskrit), as research now proves, are very potent. People in those days knew what we are trying to prove through science. It is also the same with yoga. These are all sister sciences and overlap each other.

i am sure these have profound benefits, both seen and unseen, short and long lasting but this is what i have experienced of the kind of music & chants that i have been hearing, till now. i am sure i will discover and experience more goodness along the way.

(just a rough note of experiences)
- i have always felt much better
- my baby is quiet and peaceful
- touch wood, but i feel my baby cries only for a valid reason and is easy to handle :-)
- balances the negative emotions i have
- creates good, harmonious environment
- enhances my practice of yoga
- induces sleep when i want to but can't
There is loads written about these ancient sciences but an ounce of practice (experience here) is worth a tonne of theory. I recommend music to everyone but ancient chants and any kind of classical (indian, western etc.) is the most meaningful and so very effective.

Music is magic

08 January, 2009

Thought for today

"A Ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for"
- Albert Einstein

01 January, 2009

I resolve....

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I resolve to be happy as my baby has taught me that happiness brings positivity, cheer and good health

I resolve to be confident to be able to speak my mind with the purity of my own judgement and perception as I believe each individual is made differently

I resolve to be peaceful as anger is the cause of slavery of our minds

I resolve to be healthy as only good health makes life worth living

I resolve to be a good parent as my baby’s taught me that there is no greater satisfaction than in the upbringing, growth & development of your child

I resolve to love myself as love for others will come hence and not otherwise

I resolve to rejuvenate my mind with faith and hope as I feel it’s important to refresh & re-energize the mind before heading to ‘the spa’

I resolve to keep challenging myself as I feel that its leads to character building

I resolve to take pleasures out of life’s small things ‘coz just as little drops make an ocean, little moments make a life

I resolve to appreciate the beauty of the dawn, the day, the dusk and the night of my life as beauty truly lies in the eyes of the beholder

I resolve to be there for my parents for we can never be as much for them as they’ve been for us

I resolve to bring joy to my mother as I have realized what motherhood means…

I resolve to blossom in my companionship with my husband with commitment, respect, sincerity, love, space and romance; as that makes an institution of marriage more meaningful

I resolve to forge newer bonds of friendship and strengthen the older ones as friends add colour & value to your lives

I resolve to keep smiling as my baby has taught me that a smile is worth a million bucks

I resolve to practice what I love as there is nothing more delightful than treating your work as worship

I resolve to keep learning and to share my learnings and experiences of yoga and health so that others can experience and appreciate the goodness it has brought me

I resolve to pursue my hobbies as I believe that growth comes from co-curricular activities

I resolve to stay in the present as the past has gone and the future is yet to come

I resolve to be grateful to all those who’ve touched my life directly or indirectly as ‘how can I be so selfish?’

I resolve to embrace each form of life in it’s utmost purity and creativity as only different colours make a rainbow

I resolve to indulge and party as it makes it easier to accomplish other resolves :-)

I wish everyone a rollicking 2009!!!