04 February, 2008

Samanvay Mudra

Join all the finger tips and thumb of the palm together to form a hollow space in the palm. Do it with both palms and rest them on your thighs. It is also called Shukari mudra (hand gesture) in Dr R P Upadhyaya's book on mudras. It balances all the five elements of earth, water, air, fire and space in our bodies & hence is a powerful mudra. Develops strength, coordination and balance.
Recently i was watching a movie in a multiplex and the air-conditioner was really strong. I was feeling very cold and i applied this mudra for a few minutes. It generated warmth in my body and made me feel comfortable.
A note of caution: Mudras appear to be harmless but can be quite powerful and so should be done for a longer time only under guidance. Otherwise just stick to 5-8 minutes of practicing it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Salomi,
I tried this the other day at work. My room heater had stopped working and I was freezing. It made some difference. Also, I sometimes do mudras before going to bed, is there a more specific time of day you recommend?

Anonymous said...

Hi Salomi
Good to know about this mudra as its effect is on all 5 elements in our body.I knew about quite a few mudras but samanvay mudra got me intrested as it will help to generate heat in my body.
If u can tell us something about fruit juices,it will be of great help.

Salomi Shah Sheth said...

for this mudra sonal, i feel anytime is good if its cold outside or as a part of a yoga session. archana will surely blog abt fruit juices so watch this space.