28 September, 2009

The Daily Motivator - Owning failure

The Daily Motivator - Owning failure

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i think it holds so true for me. somehow i find it very difficult to own up to my failures. i put my heart and soul in my work and with that comes the expectation of good results. so sometimes it is difficult to change direction and see things like a witness and mark the mistakes. it just suggests that i disown my shortcomings thus limiting the scope for any improvement. but again awareness is the first step to change and gives a lot of food for thought. won't you agree???

22 September, 2009

To all moms & moms-to-be

i got a greeting card from a neighbor who'd written a beautiful poem which conveys a lot about how we raise our children and it's all the more relevant in today's time where materialism has taken precedence over everything else, sometimes even more than a parent-child relationship. You may say that this is a competitive world and we have to give the best to our children and the likes of such statements but "have you asked them what they want?"

i am glad i got this card early so i can keep going back to it whenever i feel i an drifting......

the poem goes like this............

If I had my child to raise all over again.

I'd build self esteem first and the house later.

i'd finger-point more and point the finger less.

i would do less correcting and more connecting.

i'd take my eyes off my watch and watch with my eyes.

i'd take more hikes and fly more kites.

i'd stop playing serious and seriously play.

i would run thru more fields and gaze at more stars.

i'd do more hugging and less tugging.

- Diane Loomans

Even yoga says that the first duty is towards yourself, then family and then work.

well it's time to start applying, right???