26 May, 2012

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is amazingly complete. 
The physical benefits of yoga--widely reported in medical journals and mainstream press shows us that yoga cultivates cardiovascular health, and musculo-skeletal strength and flexibility. 
It tunes and tones each organ system-respiratory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, lymphatic and nervous. 
Practicing yoga reduces the negative effects of stress and "dis"-ease and cultivates the body's capacity to relax.
With a regular yoga practice, we feel better, we move better, we breathe better, we sleep better, we digest our food better.  We may even begin to recover from chronic illness.
These physical benefits of yoga--may be only the tip of the iceberg. 
Regular practitioners of yoga describe a whole host of subtle transformations in their lives. 
Many experience increased mental focus and clarity, heightened perception and intuitive powers. 
Many practitioners experience an increase in energy levels, weight loss or regulation, and stamina. 
Many yogis describe feeling more emotionally "balanced".

For more click here

22 May, 2012

Why routines?

When i have a routine, I feel more balanced, energized, free & in-control.

Humans like any other species are creatures of routine. That's why children get anxious, cranky, disturbed and angry when their normal routine gets disturbed....we are born with it but somewhere we lose it on the way to a more materialistic lifestyle....Going off routine is the first step towards ill-health & maintaining a routine, the first step towards good health...

Having a routine and a consistent schedule is one of the best stress management techniques that we can adopt on our journey to better health.  And sticking to this routine even on our days off is essential. Having a consistent routine allows your body to stay in tune with your natural circadian rhythm, which in turn helps lower stress, increase energy and improve digestion.

08 March, 2012

International Yoga Festival 2012

Enriched with experience........ That's how i would like to describe my week at Paramarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh for the International Yoga Festival 2012. I feel i have grown not just as a yoga professional, but a practitioner and a person (which i feel is the most important).
Great things about the festival were internationally recognized yogacharyas, teachers, the ever helping and polite sewakas (volunteers), 500 participants from across 31 countries, smooth functioning of the whole event, good food, the ashram and Rishikesh (the abode of yoga)....

Just returned yesterday, but still enjoying the spell it cast on me.....!!!

ps: pics would follow :)