06 February, 2008

Gung-ho about eggs

People who consume dairy products and eggs are called lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Just clearing some issues.......
I have had some people expressing their relief at knowing that by eating eggs they are not killing anything. But I had also mentioned that the source of those eggs has to be examined. Most of the eggs in India are gathered from hens in conditions i had elaborated in previous articles. And if that is the case then it's even worse.
Also, it has been pointed that even by eating plants we are killing living beings. To this i would like to respond by saying that in Jainism, all living beings are classified as those with different no of senses. You can refer to this google book from page 150 onwards. We have 5 senses like animals while the plants have 2. So the pain inflicted when we eat them is much lesser or nil when we consume plants. Of course everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but all personal decisions should be made with awareness and reasoning.
One more question that can be raised here is of whose eggs? I mean all over the world people eat a variety of eggs ranging from those of hens (most widespread), ostrichs etc. Again i dont have any idea as to how the other eggs are obtained. If anyone knows and can send me the information, i'll be happy to publish it here.
Till then this issue is adjourned :-)

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