19 November, 2007

Are you breathing right?

It's true that most of us living in cities have become addicted to busyness. We don't like to sit idle doing nothing. We are constantly on the move either in the mind & body. And hence we have even forgotten to breathe right!!! (something that we have been internally programmed to do) Isn't that ironical??

Check for yourself. When you breathe in does your abdomen expand out or retreat in? For many of us it retreats in which means that we are breathing shallow. We are not utilizing the lower lobes of the lungs which have the capacity to hold maximum volume of air. Therefore, because we breathe in wrong, there is less oxygen leading to less availability in the body for its functions which ultimately causes lack of energy.

Breathing from the abdomen is the correct way to breathe and is referred to as the yogic breathing. It utilizes and expands lung capacity, relaxes the body, calms the mind, exercises the diaphragm and gently massages the abdominal organs. You can do conscious yogic breathing for a few minutes daily or whenever you feel stressed.

Have you ever seen a child breathing? Observe it's stomach rise & fall as it relaxes into it's breath. It's time we started learning from children.

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