21 November, 2007

Health Queries

Various health conscious people have in past been asking me questions and queries relating to their health either through emails or on the blog which has helped me read and research more. So i thought of sharing the same with you so as to get more inputs regarding the same and enhance our learning. Therefore, i am starting with this new module on 'Health Queries'.

Q: "Salomi, i have a question.Not about this particular article.While doing yoga, we usually start with Sukshma Kriyas. I get more cramps in both my toes when i rotate my feet.Somebody told me that rock salt may be the result. As i use rock salt since a month. Can you find out the salt details of rock salt and whether it has any connection to the cramps."

Firstly i think it's best to use rock salt or any other which is organic and in its natural form. Table salt or common salt is processed. It is zapped of its nutrients and various chemicals, bleaching agents are added to get the fine powder. Salt is a very important part of the diet of all living beings. Even animals instinctively invade salt pans and lick salt to compensate for their mineral loss. You can read the first two articles here.

As regards to your toe cramps i feel there can be many reasons for it, one of which being lack of salt in the body. But there are various ways of compensating for that by using rock salt in your food, salads, juices, )provided you don't have blood pressure), having more of fruits and certainly not changing back to common iodized salt. Here is a nice article on cramps. Specially on the day you get cramps, analyze your diet for the past 2 days.

To alleviate toe cramps, you can do special exercises designed to strengthen the muscles. Try standing on tiptoes and raising your body up and then down repeatedly, using your toes to support you. Hold each position for five seconds. Another good one is to pick up marbles with your toes and relocate them to another spot on the floor. Walking on sand strengthens toes, massages feet and exfoliates the skin … a great workout for feet!

I hope it answers your question. Cheers!!!

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