At a competition in Delhi University a few years back, the "winner" died on the spot. The event was "who can drink the most coke?" the winner drank up 8 bottles which produced too much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough oxygen to live.
Sure, not everyone drinks 8 bottles at one sitting, but doesn't that make you wonder? Can 8 bottles of fruit juice kill? certainly not. Isn't it surprising then that a 'soft drink' can be so hard and even fatal on our body.
I had also received a forward saying, a tooth got totally dissolved within 10 days in a bottle of Pepsi. So did a nail. (We can certainly try it at home :-) ) In fact our teeth and bones are the only parts of our body that stays intact for years after death.
The average PH of soft drinks is 3.4! This acidity is strong enough to dissolve bones and teeth. It is also high enough to be a cleaning agent. Try using coke / pepsi for the following:
- Cleaning a toilet
- Removing greasy stains from clothes
- To loosen rusty bolts
Diseases flourish in an acid medium - all cola drinks are highly acidic. The bubbles and fizz are not just sparkle - they can burn human insides by the phosphoric acid & carbon dioxide. Carbonic acid in aerated drinks is instrumental in ruining eye sight.
And then there is sugar. Around 4 tbsp per bottle leeches body of essential nutrients.
Most cola drinks also have about 40 mg of caffeine. Caffeine is addictive and also raises the blood sugar by stimulating the break down of glycogen.
Cola drinks have zero nutritional value. They do however have colour additives, flavouring ingredients, acidifying - buffering - foaming - emulsifying - stabilizing chemicals, preservatives...... chemical formulas, synthesized as food!
Yes indeed, Taste the Thunder, enjoy! But think before you drink!
This article has been taken from resources at the Health Awareness Centre (Dr Vijaya Venkat)
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