14 September, 2007

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - A Variation

All back bends are energizing & invigorating, & this is no different. It's a challenging variation of the setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge pose). After getting into the bridge, support your back with your palms, walk the legs further, balance properly, slightly tuck in the abdomen & then lift one leg up. The weight of the body is borne on the palms, wrists, elbows & shoulders. It gives a definite contraction to the lower back muscles and strengthens the core (abs, back). But again, it should be done under someones' guidance unless you have been practicing for a long time; and after a good warm up.
Challenge yourself and attain newer heights in everything you do in life!!


Durgasankar Mandal said...

Fine execution! Looks quite poetic.

Wishing more attainment in your Sadhana. Next time perhaps would like to see grapple finer issues of the setubandha - straighter leg on the ground (the left), and a the right leg perfectly normal (oh so geometric!) to the ground. :).

Salomi Shah Sheth said...

thanks...... the effort is certainly on :)

Swami P'Nanda said...

"Challenge yourself and attain newer heights in everything you do in life!!"

That's the antithesis of asanas.

Salomi Shah Sheth said...

swamiji, i know yoga sutras say "sthir sukham asanam", but yoga also talks of the eight-fold path and that you have to try and excel in each step and go higher towards samadhi. here i donot mean being paranoid but having a focus, determination, tapa and honesty in our practice.

Durgasankar Mandal said...

Then let me give a small extract from Hatha yoga pradipika:


The practitioner will succeed, the non practitioner will not.

Success in Yoga is not achieved by merely reading books.