05 December, 2008

Yogic Techniques during pregnancy

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There are a host of techniques in yoga which would help in pregnancy:

Meditation & concentration

Some of the techniques can be done as they are and some have to be modified to suit the pregnant body. I would be going into detail about various techniques in my following posts according to the ones i have practised and experienced.

A few caveats to be taken care of
- Each pregnancy is different and each individual is different. So something that might help someone might not be of help to the other.
- The exercises have to be done according to ones comfort level only.
- It's wise to consult your doctor before taking on the asana practices.
- Faith, conviction and a positive attitude at all times.........

ps: pregnancy is a time to concentrate on, explore and experience the beautiful techniques of yoga which remain ignored due to our focus on the Asanas.

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