Dan tien is an energy center located slightly below the navel, near the centre of the body. In Tai Chi, it is known to be the centre of gravity, and all Tai Chi movement is directed by this centre, while the torso & limbs are extensions of this.
The dan tien corresponds to the swadhistana chakra in yoga. In the hard martial arts like karate, they know of the power of the dan tien. The ability to exert extreme force for breaking boards and bricks comes from awareness of moving from the centre of our body. But again, that same power can help us lift our laundry basket, a baby or turn over our mattress with much less chance of hurting our back or pulling our muscle. In pilates, it is referred to as the core strength.
No matter what form our physical expression takes, the internal self-awareness of moving from and breathing into dan tien will add power. In yoga that is why we stress on abdominal breathing. Whether you are making a board room presentation, ironing clothes or running a marathon, your performance will be simultaneously more effortless and much more powerful.
All great coaches know that real power comes from the dan tien even if they have never heard the term. Singing or acting coaches talk of "speaking from the diaphragm", golf coaches speak of "swinging with the belly button". Dan tien is our store house and main production unit of energy in our body.
As Tai Chi teaches us to move from the dan tien, it also helps us realize that we can let most of our muscles relax.......... As it is said
"Hold it tightly like a dove, so not to crush it in your grip, and yet firmly so it does not fly away".
Written with inputs from Tai Chi & QiGong by Bill Douglas
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