24 October, 2007

Chakrasana - Wheel Pose

It's an extremely invigorating pose, slightly difficult to get in the beginning but achievable with a little determination & practice. You can go into the pose lying down or even standing.

Lying down on your back, bend your legs keeping them hip width apart, rotate your arms to put them behind your shoulders, fingers pointing towards the shoulders. Push your feet and palms on the floor to lift your body up. Some people go inhaling into the pose while some go exhaling. Stay there for a comfortable count and lower your body down.

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, put your palms on the waist bending backward, bend your knees, release your hands behind and glide your palms on the floor to come into this asana. This is much more challenging so should be attempted only after a proper practice.

In any case, do your practices under the guidance of a teacher only.

Lifting the heels up as i have attempted here provides better contraction to the spine & elongation to the front of the body.

Experience the stimulation you get and ENJOY!!!

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