17 August, 2007

Whistling on 'mute'

Take a deep breath in and on an exhale slowly blow the air out of your mouth as if you are whistling!!!! Your effort should be to lengthen the duration of your silent whistle, so exhale slowly, rhythmically and smoothly. Do about 4-5 rounds of this breath to feel good. The major benefits of this technique are:

1. Increases lung capacity & therefore is a boon for all
2. Immediately relaxes a tensed mind and an overstimulated body
3. Removes dead air (which never gets emptied) from the lungs
4. Enables better inhalation leading to an energized feeling
5. Can be done anywhere except in polluted environments
6. Very helpful for people suffering from asthma

Do it especially when you are feeling breathless, anxious, just before a critical deliverable in office, angry or frustrated. It helps in activating the parasympathetic nervous system which acts on calming & relaxing us.

PS: if you learn to whistle practising this, don't use it on girls :-)
Happy whistling....

1 comment:

Holistic Welnesz said...

Best way to meditate:

Go to nature

Visit a place like beach, garden, hill which is not crowded.

Sit and see the morning or evening Sun.

Its pure meditation. Being one with nature, one with GOD.
