This is one asana which i completely ignored before pregnancy thinking it was too easy. Not so and especially during pregnancy. There are various ways of doing this posture....
1) palms joined in front of the chest as a namaste
2) bending on either side in a side stretch as shown in the picture above
3) palms joined for an upward stretch
Believe you me, this asana gets difficult when you close your eyes or during pregnancy when the centre of gravity shifts due to the extra weight being carried. Let me be more clear - the closing of eyes is NOT for pregnant women.
It would be prudent for pregnant women to do it near a wall - just in case.
This posture brought a lot of calm in me as i feel in pregnancy one is bound to be affected by the dance of the hormone levels. It made me feel good and gave strength to my legs. i tried to remain in this posture at least for half a minute but the duration depends totally on the comfort level. My mood swings were definitely controlled due to this and various other practices but my husband might like to disagree ;-)
Anyways, just keep up the practice all moms-to-be, and enjoy!!!