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One can practice all the breathing techniques in pregnancy except those which involve compression of the belly or retention of breath. The pranayamas and breathing exercises that i practiced throughout my pregnancy are as follows:
1) Kapalbhati - but involving forceful exhalations and inhalations using the clavicles only
2) Alternate nostril breathing or nadi shodhan
3) Ujjayi
4) Sheetali
5) Sheetkari
6) Brahmari or humming bee breath
7) Long exhalations through the mouth
8) Abdominal breathing
9) Intercostal breathing
10) Clavicular breathing
11) Deep breathing
These techiniqes help at all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual thus directly affecting your baby residing within you.
Breath retention is not allowed as it inhibits the flow of blood to the fetus. For the same reason it is also wise not to get breathless when one is carrying. But some retention should be practiced in the last 2 months to help during labour.
Apart from the ones listed above, there are breathing techniques in Tai Chi as well which help. Also these pranayamas or any other breathing exercises should be learned under a qualified teacher and therefore i m not elaborating too much.
Out of these i used to concentrate a lot on alternate nostril breathing (at least 15 minutes daily). That might be one of the reasons of my pregnancy going smoothly.
ps: will go into the benefits of everything i practised during pregnancy, later.
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