Hi everyone, it's been a long long time since i last blogged. Partly because i just delivered a beautiful baby boy a month and a half back and partly because i was simply lazy. I just felt like enjoying my pregnancy and the time with my baby without thinking too much about what to write. But i feel happy to be back in circulation and share stuff with like minded people. Since i have just gone through a pregnancy ( a beautiful, sometimes a bitter-sweet experience), i am going to blog a lot on that in the coming weeks.
Firstly to tom-tom a little bit, i would like to say that i have escaped this pregnancy unscathed i.e. without a single stretch mark on my body (yeah....) - completely cosmetic and not that it mattered much, but it feels good to know that it's because of my yoga practice. No amount of anti stretch mark cream is going to help as much as yoga. A rigorous yoga practice tones the skin so well that it prepares it for the extreme stretch of pregnancy. The extreme back bends, deep twists etc help in keeping the skin supple and elastic and prevents tearing....... well that is what did the trick (although unknowingly). But i hope this, although a trivial benefit of yoga, might inspire a few of you to take yoga seriously.
more later..... ciao!!!
Yoga and other exercises are great to avoid stretch marks. In fact, this website, http://www.antistretchmarktreatment.com/category/preventiontips/stretchmarkexercises , talks about the many different exercises you can do to prevent stretch marks - well worth the read.
Awesome! I am going to follow your blog from now on.. Its so informative. Keep it up!
Great! re-start blog...
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