A delicious concoction of yoga with elements from other fields of art, science, health & wellness
27 December, 2007
Happy 2008!!
26 December, 2007
How Tai Chi Works

24 December, 2007
Have fun with this ball game!!

21 December, 2007
Thought for today
Is it time for New Year Resolutions??

And resolution is a process
1. Taking a resolution
2. Making effort to adhere to it
3. Analyzing our performance
4. Taking corrective measures
I know i am starting to sound like an MBA (masters in business administration), which BTW i am, but that's not my point. Life is about planning, managing, organizing, controlling.
Sometime back i went to see my neighbour who's going to turn 100 (that's right one hundred years on this planet) in a couple of months. We were generally chatting when she told me about her daily routine. One thing that struck me was that every morning before getting up from bed she'd take resolutions for the day. It can be anything small or big like not eating a few things, not getting angry, doing a good deed, not using cars, having only lunch, calling a long lost friend, visiting the temple, laughing a lot, helping a family member, creating something new etc. And i thought to myself, is this the way to live, drawing boundaries everyday??
But on second thought i feel, isn't it a great way to live? After all moderation is the key. And having resolutions for the day helps us in being control. It improves mental strength, willpower, self control (brahmacharya), effort (tapa) and makes life more interesting. We might feel as if we are being CONTROLLED but after a few days it becomes a second nature.
There is a direct correlation between breath, mind and body. So taking a resolution and following it definitely improves our health. Take a minute here just to ponder on this................................................. (think of a possible resolution, the effort you would have to put in and the benefits you could derive).
I feel, New Year's Resolution is like a top of a mountain we wish to climb and daily resolutions are the steps taken for reaching the top.
Is there anything that you would like to share???
20 December, 2007
Thought for today
19 December, 2007
A man in search of Peace

What changed? The situation remained the same. He was staying in the same dingy house with his wife & four kids; but his outlook towards it changed. CAN WE ALSO TAKE A BETTER LOOK AT OURSELVES KEEPING THIS IN MIND?
18 December, 2007
Analyzing Anger

17 December, 2007
Coconut Water
16 December, 2007
wider roads but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more but have less,
buy more but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses but smaller families,
more conveniences but less time.
We have more knowledge but less judgement,
more experts yet more problems,
more medicines but less wellness.
11 December, 2007
Kareena swears by yoga

10 December, 2007
Batti Bandh - Lights Off !!!
Personal Note - Holiday walk

04 December, 2007
Personal Note

03 December, 2007
Variation in the Warrior

Enjoy your practice!!!
30 November, 2007
Decompressing the spine

28 November, 2007
Two monks and a lady

26 November, 2007
The Bible of Yoga

23 November, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth

21 November, 2007
Health Queries
I hope it answers your question. Cheers!!!
19 November, 2007
Are you breathing right?

16 November, 2007
Banana date shake

13 November, 2007
Think before you Drink

07 November, 2007
Yoga for Weightloss

- Helps in getting rid of waste better. (FYI humans can store up to 7 kilos of waste in their bodies, we are walking, talking warehouses..........)
- Improves our physiological working - better digestion, circulation, proper working of the endocrine system etc. A lot of problems are related to the improper hormone secretion which can lead to weight gain
- Better metabolism
- Improved and informed food choices. Believe me if you practise yoga regularly, your food choices will improve automatically. It just brings in that instinctive awareness.
- Better routines, better sleep, relaxation etc
05 November, 2007
Lighting 'Diyas'

02 November, 2007
Health Tip - Eating Fruits

31 October, 2007
Exploring the Dan Tien

Written with inputs from Tai Chi & QiGong by Bill Douglas
29 October, 2007
Silence - 'Mauna'

26 October, 2007
Emote :-)
Dance - Who knows when you won't be able to?
Cry - Holding those emotions in, is bad for you.
Kiss - It's the most wonderful thing in the world.
Laugh - What's the point of hiding happiness?
Frown - Why not let them know you're unhappy?
Apologize - You don't want to lose friends.
Hug - There's no better feeling being wrapped up close to someone you love.
Live - Because life is everything you have.
24 October, 2007
Chakrasana - Wheel Pose
22 October, 2007
Managing Anger
- Relaxation (watching TV, talking on phone is not relaxation)
- Diet – reduce artificial stimulants, have simple food
- Exercise
- Time management
- Prioritizing (spend more time on IMPORTANT activities)
- Eat something sweet :-) . It helps the body secrete serotonin which, is like the switch that turns off anger. When enough serotonin is secreted we feel happy.
- Pratipaksha bhavana – Think of the opposite, change the way you think, try to replace your angry thoughts with rational / good ones.
- Karma Yoga – cooking, cleaning house etc. - basically keeping oneself occupied
- Asana, Pranayama & meditation; deep breathing with more stress on exhalations as it activates the parasympathetic nervous system that helps in slowing down the heart rate & blood pressure
- Find alternatives – is there a more mature way to deal with the problem?, can I look at this differently?
- Objective attitude – is it really worth getting so angry about?, am I taking this personally?, will I remember this in 3 hrs, 3 days, 3 months or 3 years?
- Better communication with people you interact with.
- Engage humor
Different alternatives will work for different people. And mind you, conquering anger will also show improvement in other areas of our lives - relationships, work, personality, attitudes....... need i say more?
17 October, 2007
Health Tip
13 October, 2007
Everything Readymade !!

10 October, 2007
An Amazing Video
09 October, 2007
Health Tip - Eating Cereals
Happy eating!!!
07 October, 2007
Full Split - Hanumanasana

05 October, 2007
Effects of expressed or suppressed anger

Anger stimulates the release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream. These two hormones have a number of effects that mobilize the body over the short-term but that can be destructive if anger is chronic.
The hormones cause heart rate and blood pressure to rise. This can damage the delicate inner lining of the arteries and accelerate the development of arteriosclerosis – a buildup of plaque that can lead to a heart attack.
They cause platelets circulating in the blood to become sticky. That enables them to cling to damaged areas on the artery lining, where they clump and release chemicals thought to further stimulate the growth of plaque in the arteries.
They stimulate fat cells to empty into the bloodstream to provide a quick energy source. When that fat isn't burned, it's converted into cholesterol – making more cholesterol available to be incorporated into plaque.
Our internal alarm system triggers the release of adrenaline to heighten our awareness and responsiveness. This gives our blood stream and muscles a quick supply of glucose so we can run fast and make quick decisions.
Also we may have a burst of histamines to ward off infections. A whole complex of glandular and physical arousal occurs. If you have been driving a car and had or nearly had an accident you know what this rush of stimulation feels like.
They suppress the immune system, making us more susceptible to illness.
Can induce weight gain & overeating - may lead to cortisol levels that stimulate your appetite, with the end result being weight gain or difficulty in losing weight.
Simpler still, anger can also lead to headaches; tendency to smoke & drink; problems in inter-personal relationships; physical lashing out at every person or object that irritates.
So the next time you shout at your maid, grumble behind your boss's back, curse yourself for netting a ball in the tennis game, whack your child for not behaving.......... think of what it might do to you.
03 October, 2007
Peanut Sauce & salad

29 September, 2007

It is your first day at work. You get up early complete your morning routines & are ready to go to work wearing your new shirt. Just then your servant accidentally spills tea on you. What do you do? You are a housewife, a mother. You are going to pick up your child in school when a big procession blocks your way & you are stuck for half an hour. How do you react?
Under these circumstances, a normal person would react in frustration and anger not knowing that it will only harm and worsen the situation. As lifestyles become increasingly hectic, more & more people are short-tempered and small incidents can irritate, enrage & provoke. Anger is a defense mechanism we use when we sense that someone is encroaching upon us.
Why do we get angry?
Habit – by watching & imitating the behaviour of our care-givers or our parents.
To gain control
To get what we want
To protect ourselves against real feelings or bad memories
To hide our feelings
To get others to help us
To avoid responsibility
To protect ourselves against real or imagined threats
The first step is to become aware that yes, you are vulnerable and you DO get angry off & on. Yoga also stresses a lot on self-awareness. Without it you just can't move ahead. So this week, just try and be aware (if possible note down) when you got angry, the reason for your anger and how you felt later.
Someone's rightly said that even the longest of journeys begin with the smallest of steps.27 September, 2007
Headstand variation

25 September, 2007
A moment we'll cherish for years......

21 September, 2007
"Sweet Nothings"
- Sugar is bleached with phosphate of lime to give its sparkling white colour.
- Saccharin is a coal tar product.
- It takes an hour to chew 2 feet of cane from which we get one large lump of sugar.
- Acidic - resulting in ulcers, psychological disorders and hyperactivity. Best eg is children who become hyperactive after coming back from a birthday party!!
- Sugar is the best friend of food processing industry. Read the labels the next time you go grocery shopping. You'll be shocked to read sugar as an ingredient in most products - sauces, cereals, baby food, biscuits, breads etc.
- Forms plaque on arterial wall and may plug valves to the heart and fill the veins, causing high blood pressure.
- To replace refined sugar, use foods that are rich in natural enzymes, dried fruits (dates, figs, raisins, apricots etc), unrefined jaggery.
Adapted from sources at The Health Awareness Centre
19 September, 2007
Are you shunning the sun??

17 September, 2007
Being Grateful
14 September, 2007
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - A Variation
12 September, 2007
Tai Chi Chuan
Till then.............keep practicing whatever that you are learning!!!
10 September, 2007
Get rid of Constipation