Most of the people suffer from chronic constipation even though they might not be aware of it. Again it's not just the inability to pass motion but also insufficiency, more frequency etc. It is believed that constipation is the root cause of many ailments including cough, cold, skin eruptions, colic, piles etc. The body's inability to efficiently eliminate waste translates into various other conditions.
The acupressure course that i am currently attending asks us to take 1 tsp of herde powder with warm water immediately on getting up in the morning, followed by 2 glasses of warm water. We should then subsequently massage the middle of the chin (chin dimple) with our index finger for 2 minutes. This has to be done for 10 days continuously. This can be tried by almost everyone except those already suffering from illness.
Yoga also has various ways of relieving constipation. Apart from the various asanas, pranayamas, there are also kriyas like kapalbhati, agnisar, vaman dhouti, shankhaprakshalan with help in all digestive troubles. But this should be done under a teacher's guidance only.
Nutrition asks us to do more physical activity, have fibrous foods, water etc.
i also feel that constipation is basically hoarding. So people who have a tendency to hoard things, for whom it is difficult to 'let go' are more likely to suffer from constipation. They cannot practice 'forgive & forget'. They tend to keep past grudges. They find it difficult even to ask for forgiveness. They can't express themselves so well and they even store fat. It's astonishing the way our physical and mental spheres are connected. So try and be more flexible, keep only what you need, give away unused, unwanted things and forgive!!
Get rid of constipation. Everyone has a right to feel, light, energetic and motivated. Don't deny.....
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