It is a well established fact that fruits should be an important part of ones' diet. But they should be eaten alone, not with any other food. So if you have been having fruits after meals, it's time to stop. Here's why: fruits are predigested and are required to be in the stomach for only 20-30 minutes. They have high water content & thus help the body in cleansing. If it is eaten on top of other foods it creates a lot of problems. The meal has to remain in the stomach for a long time whereas the fruit you had with eat needs to go but has to stay there. In the meantime the fruit ferments and the entire mass of food begins to spoil. The whole thing turns acidic and creates a lot of problems for us. Perhaps you have experienced it.
In any case, try it for yourself....... Leave the fruit alone.
nice info....it's better to eat fruits in the morning alone...or after taking meals rest for few hours & then eating fruits it's good...right...
Yes , you are right we should not eat fruits along with the food.
I have changed my habit---ofcourse not totally, but trying.
Also we are not mixing two different cereals in a single meal.Is that okay?
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