06 May, 2011

Restorative Yoga

That's my restorative yoga class in progress..... i thought the summer month of mangoes & heat would be perfectly complemented by a rejuvenation regimen for the body & mind - YOGA SPA

You come out of the class feeling well rested, energetic, calm, composed & ready to take on the outside heat (both literally & figuratively)

It's a very relaxing & therapeutic way that we do asanas using a variety of props to support the body so that it remains well rested. When fully supported with the props, the body is able to enter into a state of deep and total relaxation.

Restorative yoga helps to engage the parasympathetic nervous system allowing for improved digestion and the reduction of muscle tension, chronic stress, fatigue, blood pressure, serum triglycerides, and blood sugar levels.

In today's day & age when life is going at a super fast pace, it is difficult for individuals to balance work, family, emotions, finances etc. This leads to a chronically stressed state of being which harms the health of an otherwise naturally creative, resourceful, and whole person. The result is a compromised immune system, injury, and/or illness. Most of us know this but we don’t do anything to change until it is “too late”.


inputs have also been taken from the internet

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