Hello everybody, i was having a few differing opinions on the article "Do you call yourself an eggitarian?", which prompted me to read a little more to find answers. Here's what i want to say now. My previous thinking that eggs are infertile is right(most of them are). I was wrong the next time. As facts state, the hens do not need a cockerel to produce eggs, they do it naturally after attaining maturity. These eggs are infertile i.e. no living chick would come out of it if it were to hatch. Only the eggs laid after the hens mating with cockerel produces fertile eggs. So i think eggs can be safely had if the moral and ethical issues of sourcing (keeping the hens in good surroundings) are answered!!! Thank you Mayuresh & Abhishek for drawing my attention.
I rest my case here :-)
Hey I liked the article on eggs. It gave me clear idea on why shud we consider eggs as vegetarian.Keep it up. You are doing a good job.
You are welcome Salomi.Can i request that you update the post to add a link to my blog too.
Hey Salomi,
Thats clears the air on the slightest bit of doubt I used to have while having egg bhurji!
Thanks for taking the guilt off my soul.
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