I know most of us (m glad i m not one of most) love a cup of nicely brewed coffee, so this might come as a rude shock to some. On top of that, now you have all the exotic varieties of coffee (Jamaican, Brazilian, Irish etc) available which makes coffee even more irresistible.

Coffee is a cash crop (yes that's right, it's grown for profits). 1% of all international trade is in coffee. It is the fruit of semitropical evergreen which bears flower. its fruit is called "cherry" and the bean inside the cherry is used to make coffee.
- It is a combination of niacin, vitamins, minerals, caffeine and tannic acid.
- The primary ingredient of coffee is of course caffeine which acts as a stimulant. Coffee also contains other stimulants like trigonellin (an element in nicotine) and other aromatic oils & acids. Decaffeinated coffee is probably more harmful as it involves soaking the beans in a toxic chlorinated solvent.
- The tannic acid in coffee is excellent for tanning leather and also cleanses dirty, greasy kitchen floors, stainless steel tables etc.
- The favorite food for the rats is the coffee bean. When instant coffee is manufactured – hundreds of rats get crushed along with the bean.
- The action of caffeine is also well documented. Caffeine increases blood pressure, pulse rate and the speed of respiration. The liver releases stored glycogen as glucose which raises the blood sugar level, giving a sense of high energy and suppressing appetite. All the organs are activated including the kidney bladder and the peristalsis of the colon. But when the blood sugar returns to normal more often it drops below normal – the person becomes tired, jittery, depressed, and is unable to concentrate – the solution – yet another cup of coffee.
- Caffeine toxicity weakens the organs. A habitual coffee drinker can expect physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms like headaches, hot flashes, palpitations of the heart, constipation, extreme fatigue, depression, radical fluctuations of mood and inability to concentrate.
- Coffee is a powerful physical and mental stimulant that increases thirst and deprives the body of nutrients. It can be called inexpensive, easily obtainable, socially acceptable and a potentially addictive drug.Caffeine also enhances the effects of stress. For more read a study conducted by researchers on this link.
- Regular consumption of coffee can also lead to chronic acidity and constipation. According to many health schools, constipation is the root cause of many ailments. And i better stay away from the complications that may arise out of these lest you all fall asleep :-)
- Coffee also kills appetite
Well, i am not asking you to stop having coffee. But the least you can do is to be aware and reduce its intake and NOT be dependent on it. BTW whenever you have, just put your mind aside and enjoy!!!
Adopted from resources at the Health Awareness Centre
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