Apart from the one shown in the picture, there are various other ways in which one can do this posture:
1. Sitting in a chair just bend forward and rest your head on the knees
2. Standing without any support
3. Standing against a wall
4. Dynamically with rowing movements sitting on the floor
This is one of the first asanas mentioned in the ancient texts of yoga. It has immense benefits to the whole body particularly the abdomen area and the back. Improving digestion, circulation, strengthening back muscles, stretching hamstrings etc are just some of the benefits. It stimulates the swadhistan chakra (nerve plexus) located 2-3 inches below the navel.
However caution has to be exercised. when you are bending forward, bend from the waist & not the upper back and shoulders. You have to emphasize on extending the back to its maximum capacity & then relaxing the neck down. Observe that the more you relax in this pose the better it gets. So just let go!!! If you can hold the asana for a longer time say a minute at least, focus first on the physical, then move to the breath and then your emotions. Bring in a feeling of letting go of ego, surrendering yourself, forgiveness and relaxation of effort.
Try not to push and pull too much. People with high BP should not do the standing variations & also be careful with the sitting ones. Those with cervical problems do not bend the neck forward. Keep it in line with the rest of the back even if it means restricting the asana. Pregnant women can modify the sitting variation and make their head rest on a low stool for comfort.
For me, each variation gives me a different experience. The standing ones make me feel energized at the same time relaxing my back, the dynamic one warms me up, the traditional sitting calms me down and strengthens my back. There is so much one can write on this but i'll be happy to answer any of your queries while restricting myself to this paragraph. Test the flexibility of your spine and ENJOY practicing!!
will do it in the morning 2morrow.chk it..
very impressive
samarth dave
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