This is the question we need to ask ourselves and ponder on. What does freedom mean to us? Is it physical freedom, not living in the shackles or does the meaning convey a much deeper emotion. Freedom to me is:
Freedom from Anger
Freedom from Vices
Freedom from Fear
Freedom from Anger
Freedom from Vices
Freedom from Fear
Freedom from Ego-centric behaviour
Freedom from Anxiety
Freedom from Impatience
Freedom from Worries
Freedom from Hatred
Freedom from Lies
Freedom from Negativity
Freedom from Dishonesty
Freedom from Corruption
Freedom from Discontentment
Freedom from Violence
Freedom from Superstition
List goes on ………
Ask yourself: “where do I stand on the path of true freedom?” India is free and has awakened but it’s high time that we awaken our spirits and look beneath the surface of FREEDOM.
The day ‘I’ am able to free ‘myself’ from these emotions would be the day ‘I’ll’ celebrate ‘my’ independence day.
Happy Independence Day!!!
Freedom from Anxiety
Freedom from Impatience
Freedom from Worries
Freedom from Hatred
Freedom from Lies
Freedom from Negativity
Freedom from Dishonesty
Freedom from Corruption
Freedom from Discontentment
Freedom from Violence
Freedom from Superstition
List goes on ………
Ask yourself: “where do I stand on the path of true freedom?” India is free and has awakened but it’s high time that we awaken our spirits and look beneath the surface of FREEDOM.
The day ‘I’ am able to free ‘myself’ from these emotions would be the day ‘I’ll’ celebrate ‘my’ independence day.
Happy Independence Day!!!
hi! U have picked really great idea for freedom on 15th August.....what should v do to get real freedom?
At my point is that with the help of concentration, meditation, detachment, calmness,yoga or any other excerise like running,walking,swimming,any sports activity which u like and the ability to filter and sift thoughts, without getting involved and swept by them, it is possible to reach and live in real and true freedom.........right?
Happy Independence Day!!! to u...
Both of you have analysed and written some very good thoughts on freedom. You say that freedom from all possible vices will make you free.
That is the ideal thought,if it does not produce stress itself...that is to be free from all vices.
Its better to take step by step i think.
To try to be free from all the above mentioned things not at one stroke, but be happy when you have fought anger, be satisfied when you have defied corruption....so on.
Sometimes its easier to merge with the society with all the above mentioned vices.
Well today, i had a thought...I wanted to do something good, for our country, society. I conveyed to my staff that if anybody does some good work,helps spmebody in need, come and narrate the whole thing to me and i will give Puraskar if its worthwhile.
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