Have this after your meals specially heavy or greasy meals. More water dilutes the effect of lemon. It is a tonic for cleansing and detoxifying. It acts the same way inside our body as the lemon in the finger bowl does to our fingers. (removing grease & dirt).
Apart from that, it helps in better absorption of nutrients, builds immunity (storehouse of vitamin c), has cosmetic & medicinal values. Lemon is antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti rheumatic. Contrary to the view, it doesnot lead to acidity. It is acidic outside our body but alkaline inside. Sprinkling some lemon juice on food also enhances its taste. Lemon shouldnot be heated as heat kills its nutrients.
very nice salomi:) I love it already... people want info I realise, at least Indians love it...since that way they don't have to practice it! anycase, don't give up. I am putting it on my blog message and there is a list of blogspots by my visitors -- Under label bloggers on yoga, where also I will mention it in the list:) Om!!
Salomi, I loved your blog. It is so informative and well written. Thanks for sharing it with me; I will be visiting it regularly to learn more.
hi salomi!Nice to get something new way from u give your web page really professional look!!... & giving brilliant illustration by simple way & everyone can get it instantly. Great!!!!...
And just my two-bit about lemon. I find it essential to rinse your mouth after a lemon shot because it does wear out the enamel.. You will find my experience on this at my blog, on drinking lemon early mornings, first thing daily
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