Yoga for excellence & character building in children.
Children need a strong foundation of yoga from an early age to cope with various lifestyle related problems persistent today as also to lead a happy life.
For children who are custodians of each nation in particular & the whole world at large, I feel Yoga is the essential product of the twenty first century to lead them to perfect physical health & mental well-being. Through yoga it is possible to transform skillfully their vanity & competitive spirit into useful forms of energy. – B K S Iyengar
Why yoga for children?
o Improves circulation, vital to the proper functioning of the body
o Nourishes, stimulates & maintains balance of endocrine glands which govern their growth & development
o Helps establish a regular & easy menstrual cycle
o Improves digestion & respiration so that there is more energy available for a growing child
o Increases supply of fresh blood to the brain thus enhancing mental capacity
o Strengthens nerves thereby improving endurance
o Promotes proper structural development by working the joints
o Helps a child to become self-controlled & less prone to extreme behaviour by regulating endocrinal functions
o Corrects brooding & melancholy in girls by regulating pituitary & pineal functions
o Checks laziness & lethargy
o Builds self-confidence. Removes shyness & self-consciousness
o Controls the arousal of the emerging sexual urge
o Directs new found energy into creative outlets
o Creates predisposition towards Yogic principles of yama & niyama thus developing a child’s moral-ethical character
o Helps children excel in every aspect of life
Introducing yoga programme (Roots to Wings) for children above 8 years from 5th January 2011, every Wednesday, 5 to 6:30 pm. Each class would include yoga asanas, pranayamas, yoga games, concentration techniques, yoga philosophy through stories, role plays & much more. Please contact me for more details. Thanks!!