25 October, 2010

Pregnancy Workshop

"There is only one beautiful child in this world, & every mother has it"
- Chinese Proverb

We had a nice quiet group this Saturday (23rd) for pregnancy workshop. And the workshop too went smoothly with assistance from my friends & fellow yogis sonvi & rajsi. We concluded the workshop with some healthy snacks - vegetable handavo, potato chips (roasted with little salt) and variyali drink.

13 October, 2010

Garba & Yoga

The Navratri fever was high amongst us and we thought of grooving to the tunes of garba without the space constraint of the crowded venues. Agreed you can't match that tempo, but we had loads of fun doing garba with experieced and graceful instructors - Mital & Sonvi. We also had a nice lively audience, you see in the first picture.

ps: my regular yoga practice definitely helped me during that garba nite when i slept at 2:45 only to wake up fresh after 5 hours, without any soreness. Cheers to yoga!!!