"I am an excellent yoga practitioner"
"I am a loving, dutiful & respectful daughter"
"I am a great cook"
"I am creative and confident"
Before you get ideas about my tom-tomming, let me make it clear that it is a part of my VISION.
A vision is an expression of your goal for yourself. It's how you see yourself or wish for yourself but in a present positive tense. Let me make it more clear. For eg. an architect wants to build a house, the first thing he'll do is to create it in his mind, followed by a drawing, a model and then the actual house. In the same way what we want to be in life (in all aspects) also begins with a thought.
We have always focused on what we "don't want" or what we "don't have" in life and tried to strive to attain that. But a vision talks in a way as if we already have that. Those of you who've read the book "The Secret" or seen the movie would be able to relate to this better.
But it does not mean that you have a perfect sounding vision and sit back. Nothing will happen. It's just the "right" beginning. You can take a few minutes to make your own vision and then keep adding and editing it as and when required. In fact you can have your own vision book which you read first thing in the morning instead of the newspaper. You'll spend just 2 minutes reading it, but the effect it would leave on your phyche and persona would be profound.
I learned about it in the SSY (Siddha Samadhi Yoga) course and the ISP (Infant Siddha Programme - The art of joyful parenting) which concluded yesterday. Believe me, our mind is much much more powerful than we can fathom.
Please take a few minutes out during the day today to open the eyes of your mind to build your own vision.
Happy visualizing!!!